
The Granite Hills Wind Farm is proactively engaged in consultations with the community and stakeholders, including both Bega Valley Shire and Snowy Monaro Regional Council. Some of the topics that the community has raised include traffic management, possible fire issues, fauna and noise. These topics, along with many others, will be taken into account during the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement.

Our policy
Communication and consultation about the GHWF development will be:
clear, accurate, timely and honest
open and transparent
suitable and ongoing
appropriately documented
conducted throughout the project life cycle.

Stakeholder engagement is a priority and will continue throughout the project life cycle. GHWF strives to ensure project staff are proactive and engage with communities in a manner which is open, inclusive, responsive and accountable.

If you wish to contact the Granite Hills Project Team to discuss the project, comment on the information, please phone
1800 961 761 or send an email to